
Each of our attorneys is a specialist in preparing detailed, focused and technologically-accurate U.S. Patent Applications which provide maximum protection of our clients’ valuable inventions. We are able to efficiently prepare such applications based on any degree of formal or informal disclosure documentation.

Preparation of superior patent applications results in streamlined prosecution, and also allows us to formulate prosecution strategies which account for business as well as legal considerations. Please review our library of Representative Patents to see a sampling of our work.

We have extensive experience in managing large foreign-originated U.S. prosecution dockets. Our experience includes converting foreign-filed applications to U.S. practice, providing prompt and clear prosecution advice to our foreign clients or associated foreign law firms, and diligently executing their instructions. Our foreign practice is strengthened by excellent administrative systems and strong client communication, which we develop by traveling regularly to meet our clients and associated law firms worldwide.

We provide many services to assist our clients in developing their patent portfolios. These services include brainstorming sessions to identify and prioritize inventions, evaluation of competitor portfolios, and presentations to engineering staff regarding patents, disclosure preparation, and invention identification.

We provide opinions regarding validity, infringement, and freedom-to-operate.  Our team of patent professionals relies on its diverse technical and business experience to provide patent opinions that our clients can rely on to make reasonable business decisions.

Our licensing expertise includes development of licensing programs, license preparation, license negotiation, and license evaluation.  Our combination of technical, legal and corporate expertise allows us to support patent licensing efforts of all sizes in a variety of industries.

We conduct due diligence reviews and portfolio audits of patent assets in connection with investments, IPOs, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, licensing and technology transfer transactions, corporate reorganizations, and divestments.  Our attorneys have extensive legal, technical and business experience, allowing us to obtain a clear understanding of the business needs of our clients.  We have acted in a number of due diligence matters for clients ranging from startups to Fortune 50 companies.

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